Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tread Where Football Players Trod


  1. MaryDawn,
    I completely agree with you. I think one of the best things you can do at school is belong to some sort of group or team (like your band). I feel like this is where BYU might struggle a little. In my experience a lot of students come to BYU who have been very involved during high school. They were on the basketball or wrestling team and being on those teams gave them a sense of belonging. At BYU however, most choirs or athletic teams require years of previous training and only provide those wonderful experiences for a very select few at the University. As a result I think many students feel lost at BYU and lack the same sense of belonging and loyalty to BYU that they had for their high school.

    I'm not sure what the solution is with this big of a school, but I think it is an issue.

  2. Dang girl! I honestly had no idea what being part of the marching band involved. Thanks for enlightening me! I think it's amazing that you did that as a freshman and had that much strength to memorize and practice so much for one credit. That is a serious lesson about how credits aren't the most important thing--the experience is. I admire you for creating such a great experience for yourself! Now you have a gaggle of friends, awesome memories, and a sharp about PROS.

  3. Congratulations on a successful 180! I really was eager to see what marching band or football had to do with value in the Humanities College. That was a great blog that just shows that often the most important things we do in our lives are often on the sidelines, contributing to not only our own, but other's experiences.
