Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ben Miller: Rising to the Occasion


  1. Have you been able to read The Road yet, Ben? Or anyone else for that matter? That book is a fantastic example of how this principle could apply to the book-reading experience. It presents challenges and antagonists for the reader, creating an allegory of human life and the challenges we all face. It's one of the most trying reads I've ever had, but also one of the most fulfilling. I love Cormac's stuff.

  2. I liked this because I know exactly how you feel! We go through these tough times that may seem stressful so we can grow and learn from them. If we keep avoiding hard things and never rise to the occasion then we won't ever grow. Your WAC is also presented well. Good luck with the paper!

  3. Speaking of "Rising to the Occasion," the book that you have on your blog is exactly about THAT. The father, at first, must struggle to take care of his boy--but as the story moves along, you see his love increase and he becomes more devoted to protecting the last and only thing he loves.

    In other words, hang in there in the class. Cormac is one of the best authors of our day (although, I must say, "No Country for Old Men" is WAY better than "The Road.")
