Friday, February 19, 2010

A Mosaic of Experiences

Although each individual picture in this mosaic is small, I hope that you are able to see how these pictures have combined to form the image that they do. As I think about how I honor my experiences, there is no other way I would want to express them than in a mosaic like the one above. More than molecules, more than blood or dust, I am what I am because of my experiences in life. I am who I am because of what I have seen, eaten, read and touched. For better or worse, I am an accumulation of experiences and reactions to those experiences.
Doing this mosaic was interesting because it caused me to reflect on what the photos mean to me personally and how exactly the affect me. I noticed that to some extent, the more photos I had, the better the mosaic came out. Right now, according to the program that I used to model this mosaic, it is at about 84% quality... maybe in a few years I'll have more experiences and more "quality". Perhaps then it will be very clear exactly who I am.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Life's Canvas

So I was thinking about time and using it well and I remembered a quote from Up. Yeah, I like movie quotes. Anyway, the quote goes like this: "It's the boring stuff I remember the most." I like it, because it's true. At least, partly. It seems that the simple things, like talking for a few minutes with someone who bothered to say hi, or delivering Christmas presents, or any of a hundred things that might seem to be so small and insignificant are really the most lasting memories. I may never remember what my teacher said about Hegel's Master-Slave dialectic today or what I read about Spanish literature, but I will remember the friends I ate lunch with today, the home teacher who gave me a ride home when it was too dark to walk, and the other little things that make life worth living.

The Little Girl Who DIDN'T Get Baptized!

All too frequently on my mission I saw both missionaries and investigators alike mistake one of the fundamental requirements for becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: baptism. Areas on my mission that hadn’t seen success in over a year always came with two problems. First was the temptation to believe that it wasn’t possible to baptize in that area. This led to trunky missionaries who had mentally checked out, but felt guilty enough to complete all the visible steps to finish their mission “honorably.” The second problem was that some missionaries viewed themselves as a sort of savior who had come to break the bonds of the baptizing curse. This second group often concerned me more than the first, because although their mission experience was good for them, the work they were doing was often not good for the mission. Frequently when the means of baptism were mistaken for the end goal of coming to Christ the new member was excommunicated within one year of his or her baptism (I know of two specific instances).

One particular companionship comes to mind. They were doing everything they could to force a little girl through the baptismal interview process as a way of padding statistics. The girl was from a family who was very much inactive. The missionaries found out that she wasn’t a member at the age of 9, and knew how easy it would be to try to exploit the situation for the sake of getting someone into the waters of baptism. As the district leader I remember distinctly having to talk to them about our purpose as missionaries. I reminded them that our purpose is to invite others to come to Christ, not to get them in the waters of baptism. We discussed how anyone coming to Christ must be baptized, but that not everyone who is baptized is necessarily coming to Christ. After much pondering and prayer we decided that it would be best to get the local branch leadership involved since they could help baptism become a long-term, covenant event, and not just a short splash in the pool.

I view leadership, service, and time management in a similar way. Both leadership and time management are means to giving service. Just because we are leaders, or just because we are able to manage out time well, does not mean that we are giving service. These are two tools for us to use in accomplishing greater goals. If we are not careful we can get in trouble for trying to lead, or manage our time, for the sake of leading and managing time. I believe that these activities should increase our ability and opportunity to give service. If they are unattached to service, however, they could very easily be talents that we bury in the sand.

Time has everything to do with leadership and service. Time is the only thing that we can control in our lives and, thus, is the only thing that differentiates leaders from those around them. There are other factors that play into our destinies, but as far as what we control, it all has to do with time. Even divine help may come, or be stayed, as a result of how we use our time.

I strongly believe that we build or mold ourselves into the people that we are. At the end of our lives we will have developed certain talents, skills, habits and characteristics that will all flow from how we use our time. One of my heroes is Winston Churchill. The more I studied his life, the more I wondered how he could accomplish so much within a normal life span. One of the only conclusions that I could come to was that he used his time differently than others. I strongly believe that grades, success in a family or social life and our relationship with God are all directly related to how we use our time. I believe that learning how to use time effectively is one of the most important things we can do.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for me is not just using time effectively, but
choosing between all the important things that I have to do. There is not nearly enough time to do everything that I want, and so I continually have to decide how important my time with friends, my time in school, and my time strengthening my testimony are to me. I guess this will always be a struggle. My twofold goal, then, is to effectively use my time to accomplish my carefully prioritized list of what I need to do.

Christ and Time Management

The Sun Standeth Still...

Considering this EXTREMELY busy week of midterms, in-laws, job interviews, bishopric meetings, projects, and's ironic that Maridee chose such an appropritate topic for this week's post. I'm sure that each and every one of you can relate on a very personal level to the week I've just described, and yet, somehow you're still going!!!! It is this topic that I wish to discuss in my post today.

As discussed by Elder Oaks, "Our priorities are most visible in how we use our time...Some decisions that seem desirable for mortality have unacceptable risks for eternity. In all such choices we need to have inspired priorities and apply them in ways that will bring eternal blessings to us and to [others]."

In pondering the meaning of this quote, I was really impressed by the words 'inspired priorities' (as you can probably tell because they're highlighted in red). The concept of making sure that our priorities, or "how we use our time", is inspired by our loving Heavenly Father is undoubtedly essential to our success in leadership, service, and time management. As we seek to allign our priorities with Him who sees the bigger picture, I have found that often we are miraculously blessed to accomplish that which previously seemed impossible.

Supporting this idea with a powerful scripture from the Book of Helaman, we recognize that time is truly in the Lord's hands, and thus receive and assurance that as we allign our priorities with HIm, time can seemingly be"lengthened out" in allowing us to accomplish that which seemed unattainable. " 14 Yea, if he say unto the earth--Thou shalt go back, that it lengthen out the day for many hours -- it is done; 15 And thus, according to word the earth goeth back, and it appeareth unto man that the sun standeth still;"

Further evidencing the divine support we recieve when diligently doing those things which are first priorites in God's eyes, I have found the following scriptural promises to be unalterably true. "And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men" (D&C 24:12); "For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies" (D&C 84:33).

It is my personal experience that as we work diligently in doing those things which are priorities in the Lord's eyes (service, scripture study, prayer, etc.), time can be lengthened out, and we will be given an increased measure of strength and ability to accomplish all else that lies before us (papers, projects, etc.).

The Wisdom of Mr. T and President Bush

leadership, time management, & service

Courtney's Post

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bomb Toasted: Time and Leadership

I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?
Benjamin Disraeli

Disraeli perfectly illustrates how service and leadership are connected in this quote. Leaders are established and set in place to serve the needs of the people. When the leaders themselves forget this purpose, they have broken the contract with the people, and the people have an obligation to overthrow the sitting ruler. For leadership and service are inexorably connected. In fact, one could argue that the perfect form of leadership is also the perfect form of service. Namely, as Moroni states in Alma Chapter 60:
“Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain. I
seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country. And thus I close mine epistle.”
As Moroni states in being the chief captain, he does
no t desire power, but rather to “pull it down,” serving his fellow men and God rather than chasing the accolades of the world.

On the subject of time management I was having a hard time integrating the concept with the service and the leadership aspects. While time management is crucial when being a leader, I felt like a poem was the perfect way to address the issue:

Time, A watch strapped to your arm.
chaining and ingraining to you already beaten paths
unable to see
It guides and strives to lead you exactly to the place your supposed
to be
But in the end
its times grasp
that doesn't set you free
but rather
loosing its grip on the soul it chained

Weekend Leadership Lessons

Time Management

Is FLASH MOB a Service?

I would like to approach this topic by discussing the FLASH MOB that Tim is preparing, and I will begin by posing a question: How does a Flash Mob relate to leadership, service, and time management?

I've had some trepidation about the Flash Mob. I've seen everything from frozen crowds at Brigham Square to choreographed dancing at Times Square, and I'll admit that the core of these random acts of frivolousness is essentially fun. But these are some of the questions that I have been dealing with:
  • How does a flash mob promote leadership?
  • What service does a flash mob provide?
  • Is organizing a flash mob an effective use of time?
I'm directing my comments to those who have had sentiments similar to mine, and hope that you'll give them consideration.

Case Study
Please watch the following video:

A Flash Mob provides the vital lesson that followers are just as important as leaders. Followers can either promote leadership or deconstruct it. In today's skeptical world, it is frightfully easy to view a creative idea and give it prompt ridicule before discarding it. I know that for me, the first twenty seconds of the "Dancing Man" video were almost unbearable to watch. All I could think was, Oh geez, this is what I get for browsing Google Reader again....

But in the end, the willingness of one shirtless dancing man to throw caution to the wind ended up being the most brilliant idea of the day. That is the type of risk that successful leaders take. Risk-taking is not just essential for Mister Crazy Dancer, but also for business leaders, political leaders, revolutionary writers, and us.

That lone nutjob and his nutjob follower had a vision, and before long, they transformed a lackluster lawn-sitting into an all-out dancefest. Similarly, a flash mob in behalf of the College of Humanities, though unconventional, has the potential to bring a new level of unity and excitement in the college that is yet to be experienced.

Remember that a flash mob isn't about us succeeding as leaders; it's about the unity of the college itself. A recurring goal among committees was to create a sense of community. This is an opportunity for us to forget about ourselves-- perhaps even look stupid-- and get lost in that cause. I hold firmly that the greatest acts of service are the most vulnerable. So if nothing else, let's consider this flash mob an exercise of stepping out of a comfort zone for a greater cause, which is the unity of the college. For all we know, this small and simple thing may snowball into something bigger than ourselves.

Time Management
The great thing about this flash mob is its simplicity. No budget is required and the activity itself will last for about one minute. It's hard for a one-minute activity to be a waste of time! In a student council where every member excels, it is important to provide activities that will work around our busy schedules. This is an activity that does that.

My hope is that everyone on the council will attend the flash mob. It is not a matter of whether Tim, Liz, MaryDawn or I need you there. It is a question of your personal commitment to unifying the college. It would be a great privilege to have you all there.

So let' get pumped for "The Humanities Flash Mob."

The Pyramid to Success

Monday, February 15, 2010

How did Christ connect leadership, service, and time management?

Jesus was the best example of a service-oriented leader, but I’d never fully considered how he managed his time. Some thoughts:

1. Christ was always teaching and serving no matter the activity. Whether he was dining with a Pharisee or walking from place to place, Christ focused on serving those around him and teaching through that service.

2. Christ took time out to ponder and pray. We see many times where he took time apart to commune with his Father and to consider his mission. He was still focused on what needed to be done, but in a way that would allow recuperation and rest.

3. Christ slept and ate when it was necessary. We see that he was sometimes so tired that he slept through much of a storm. We should remember to rest and eat as well.

4. Christ prepared. Christ spent his teen and young adult years preparing for his ministry, growing in stature and wisdom and in favor with God and man. He fasted and communed with his Father and was baptized. Everything was done in order so as to best fulfill the will of the Father.

5. Christ did not adhere too rigidly to a schedule. He was teaching and had purpose, but took time out to serve and heal. I think of the time when he said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me,” instead of turning them away because he was too busy with something else. To me this shows how we can have a goal, a desired outcome, but that we can allow some wiggle room in how we get there.

6. Christ taught the individual. He knew his disciples needed to bear up certain loads after he was gone, and he used his time to teach them what they needed to know for that time.

There are many more lessons, but this was a good list to ponder for me. I hope it helps those who read it as well.