Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Decision Time

Charla Aranda


  1. I liked this. When I saw that there were three different pictures I initially thought: Oh no! This will be a long one to read! But it wasn't. I liked the theme of the Frost poem throughout and the message is a great one: God helps us out when we need Him. It also looks good, way to go!

  2. Charla,
    Oh my gosh I really feel that Maridee having us learn about crucial conversations was inspired last semester because after reading of your experience, and realizing how many crucial conversations I have had to have these past few months, has made me realize what an important skill it is to learn. Communication is such a vital need for human survival in today's world. Good for you

  3. First off... I have to say I am a big fan of Frost. I enjoyed reading your post because it was actually about something that YOU did, not just something that almost happened, didn't happen at all, or happened to your a famous person's best friend. Everyone has these experiences but few people deal with them (of course, you Charla, aren't that type of person, huh).

  4. First of all, I know where you took that picture! So that makes me happy. Second of all, I think you are completely right. We have so many decisions to make in our lives and often times, when we don't act and make a decision, nothing happens and life goes on. Ignorance is bliss--or so they say. However, when we face these choices head on the Lord is there to help us. Way to face the issue head on.
