Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Charge! WAC Feb. 3 2010


  1. Nathan, I love the sense of enthusiasm in your writing! It makes it so much more interesting and fun to read.

    So I actually do think I remember learning about this guy in 10th grade U.S. history but I had totally forgotten about this story. Let me just say, that this is an awesome example how even liberal arts degrees and teachers can do great things!!!

  2. Being dubbed a yankee in my time in the south, I much admire this first-rate General (as he was later promoted). What I find most fascinating about this professor is that he was able to take what he had learned from theology and educating others, and apply it on, of all places, a battlefield. He witnessed some of the bloodiest and harshest battles in the war, and came out on top. Good find Nate!
