Monday, February 22, 2010


  1. What an interesting class! You are very fortunate to have such an opportunity to better understand others. I think empathy is a trait that is very important, and, as the world continues to shrink, those who can relate well with people who do not think the same will become even more important. Tolerance and love for all are two things we could all internalize more in my opinion.

  2. I admit that I am a bit confused about the idea of two people with different sexual orientations being married, I definitely see truth your main point. When we learn about others and what defines who they are, the things that define us for who we are can become clearer. And like Kendon said, empathy is also a very important trait, and it can only be developed by branching out and paying attention to the experiences of others.

  3. I totally wish I could've heard that couple speak!!! Wow. I like how you're pointing to how we can grow in life by hearing the experiences of others and moving beyond our own. And it's cool that by so doing, you're actually expanding your personal vision. The mirror and title were certainly apt for the design of this idea.

  4. I think that to be an artist with our own life requires us to acquire a broader range of colors to us. That is to say, I think these opportunities to try and view things through a new lens is a very valuable things for shaping who you are. Too often we resist it because it is uncomfortable for us. Way to go for taking a class that pushes you to see things differently.
