Friday, February 26, 2010

Keep Moving Forward!!!


  1. I really like the comparison you've made. Running is so mental, yet it's so easy to give up just before the finish line. Every time I go running I think about quitting early, slowing down. I think of one-million excuses why I should, but in the end it feels so much better to run those last 500 ft. However, those last 500 ft are often the hardest.

  2. Way to go Charla!!! Running is so analogous to life and diligence on all fronts. I love this slide - the gold background meshes so well with the slide from the picture. I also like the bolding of particular phrases.

  3. Love the Edison quote. With every district of missionaries I teach I see how relevant the attitude of pushing onward even when it is hard can be. Some of them are tempted to seldom speak aloud the new phrases and vocabulary words that they are learning because they are afraid of making mistakes. The best speakers are always the fearless learners that yap away. It is about becoming as a result of trying!

  4. I agree with the previous comments- running has always been such a life metaphor for me. It really teaches you about who you are. I love pushing myself, although I don't know that I've pushed myself an extra 4 miles! You are such a good example to me!
