Friday, February 19, 2010

A Mosaic of Experiences

Although each individual picture in this mosaic is small, I hope that you are able to see how these pictures have combined to form the image that they do. As I think about how I honor my experiences, there is no other way I would want to express them than in a mosaic like the one above. More than molecules, more than blood or dust, I am what I am because of my experiences in life. I am who I am because of what I have seen, eaten, read and touched. For better or worse, I am an accumulation of experiences and reactions to those experiences.
Doing this mosaic was interesting because it caused me to reflect on what the photos mean to me personally and how exactly the affect me. I noticed that to some extent, the more photos I had, the better the mosaic came out. Right now, according to the program that I used to model this mosaic, it is at about 84% quality... maybe in a few years I'll have more experiences and more "quality". Perhaps then it will be very clear exactly who I am.


  1. That is awesome. I think the photomosaic is the PERFECT way to represent how artists and each of us "recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art."

  2. Craig,
    I really like the analogy you took from the 84% quality rating. I like the idea that you perhaps become more complete or more aware of who you are as you go through different experiences.

  3. Dang. I wholeheartedly agree with what Ben said about a mosaic being so fabulous. It is true that what we create from every experience contributes to the big picture. A lot of that picture is who we are and who we will become, and that is completely based on our experiences and the snapshots we get out of them.
    Way to see the big picture. I may not have ever connected life to a mosaic on my own.

  4. I really like how you recognize your experiences in life as being such a shaping force in your life. A lot of times we tend to look at things as being 'good' or 'bad.' While I do think that there are good things and bad things in the world, i think that much of what we want to call 'bad' is classified as such because it is something hard for us. Your approach, the mosaic, needs all colors to be complete, or at least get closer to 100% fidelity.
