Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Paradigm Shift...

"One writes out of one thing only--one's own experience. Everthing depends on how relentlessly one forces from this experience the last drop, sweet or bitter, it can possibly give. This is the only real concern of the artist, to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art."

Upon reading this quote, I have to admit that I was suprised by the final sentence as it appeared to have no real correlation with the direction of it's preceding two lines. In my mind, the last line should read, "Therefore, man's greatest endeavor should undoubtedly be to gain as much experience as possible."

If everything one writes depends upon only one thing--his experience; and if the quality of one's writing hinges on how relentelessly he forces the last drop from this experience, then would he not be better off if he had more experience? Truly this would allow him to bring more into his writing and likewise free him from having to "sqeeze the last drop" out of his endless ocean of experience.

Therefore, as I so proudly stated in the first paragraph, one of man's greatest desires should be to broad his horizon, look outside of his paradigm, and fill his ocean with rich, meaningful, and priceless experiences.

"...all these things shall give thee experience and be for they good" (D&C 122: 7).


  1. It seems to me that making good use of every experience is a way of showing our gratitude for the opportunities we're given. We should learn as much as we can from the things we experience.

  2. I think that finding those expierences to enrich your life shold be everyones goal. However, I think that sometimes while we can search out for them sometimes we need to be patient-- and wait for the right moment to serach out for and have those experiences, rather then constantly searching out for them.
