Monday, February 22, 2010


  1. I definitely agree. Art, to me, is great in that it captures one person's perspective of reality. But, far too often, art is just a poor imitation of the beauty surrounding us everyday. I am reminded of the Sarah McLachlan song that contains the lyrics, "Its not that usual, When everything is beautiful. Its just another ordinary miracle today." The person who is able to recognize the small, surrounding miracles is the happy one.

  2. I like the invitation to look for beauty in the things around us everyday. For me one of those things is the way we interact with other people. Lately I have been reading War and Peace. One of the themes that is dealt with the connection between all human things, and the community that exists between us. Some people know how to honor that connection in the way the treat others. I think it is beautiful to see interaction that is "no respecter of persons."
    Personally, I think that is the point of art: to call in to question those things around us. If art doesn't have relevance for me in my day to day life I don't think it is great.

  3. Well said and well described, I also believe that the art around us is largely taken for granted. I think this can also be related to living our lives everyday with a purpose, for if we don't see the beauty around us, then we miss the wonderful opportunity we have each day to find peace and happiness and meaning in our lives. There is immense beauty in simple things.

  4. Love the use of color and font here, especially the way "but" is totally set apart to signal a transition. I agree with you on how much simply daily experience is fodder for art. And art isn't just a matter of the artist or synthesize or creator or tangible objects; I like how you seemed to suggest that simple experience is a creative process. Lovely. I guess it points back to what we choose to focus on as we experience life.
