Wednesday, February 24, 2010

creation, order, trust.


  1. This is such a cool medium of art! I have always done a lot of crafty things, and it has been a while since I have put some collages together, but reading this piece has defintely inspired me to re-delve into this world. It is so good to see that you found something that you love, for art enables us to express and create in powerful ways.

  2. This is really neat. I agree that there are too many good things that happen for it to be a coincidence. I also like the quote from Elder Maxwell about persistence. I think if we keep on going, trying new things, we will find what we are meant to do, the way you've found your love of collages.

  3. It's interesting. Last semester we read Daniel Pink's book A Whole New Mind in the which he gives us several activities we can do to help foster creativity. One of the activities is to make and "Inspiration Board" which is basically a collage of different things that connect to form some kind of idea. It can be used to help you create ideas or to even help you discover what kinds of things you love. Either way, these collages are meaningful to the person who created them and are often a fun way for others to learn about that person.

  4. I really like that qoute by Elder Maxwell. So often we think that things are in disarray or falling a part. In reality they were never in pieces. However our lives can only be held together if we listen to and follow God.
