Saturday, March 13, 2010

Perfect Hope


  1. This is great. I love how the picture goes with your writing. Also, this last week one of my friends had to remind me that when life is hard, it will still always get better. So this post is another good reminder. Life does always get better and there is always hope for the future. Thanks :)

  2. Thanks, this was exactly what i needed to hear. I have a hard time in not beating myself up for the smallest things in life. Which is why college is very painstaking. It is true that perfection doesn't lie in good grades, but our spiritual selves and how kind we are.

  3. Amen to changing the things we don't like about ourselves and then accepting who we truly are. I really like that. And of course I love the idea of something great awaiting us beyond the bend (or the river bend). There are just some things we can't change, but those things- situations or whatever else-usually disappear, morph into something great, or at least turn into a learning experience. So cherish the ride.

  4. Beautiful picture. Matches your comments. I definitely agree. It is tricky being a perfectionist, but I have come to recognize that the desire to improve needs to be tempered by a certain grasp of reality. Getting down on ourselves is counter productive, and actually does more long term damage by increasing things like despair and removing hope. It isn't about where we are at any given moment; its the direction we are moving that is important.

  5. I see what Liz was talking about when she spoke of how pretty your posts are! You have an eye for design!
    I liked how you replaced negative feedback with a proper perspective. I feel the same way. I see too many people accept mediocrity because they are afraid of beating themselves up. A proper perspective is the cure for mediocrity. We need to not just do our best in life, but our very best.

  6. First off, beautiful picture. I love photography that plays with sun rays.

    Secondly, I too have experienced the journey that you speak of. Life is hard enough enduring the criticism of the world. No one needs the extra criticism and usually the most harsh criticism that comes from the self.
