Wednesday, March 10, 2010



  1. Go Beatles!

    And good one with Winston Churchill's speeches- you have some things on your list that I wouldn't have thought of, but it shows your personality and passion for the gospel and for learning. And technology...

  2. So, John are you saying that since we're friends on Facebook, we're not really friends in real life? Sad day. Lol! Hmmm..I like the idea of making a gratitude list. I'm grateful all my friends that are friends in real life and on Facebook. However, I agree with you in that many of my Facebook contacts are more like acquaintances or people I network with. it's a rare thing to come by true friends. When you find them, they are precious gems.

  3. This was brilliant. I semi-modeled mine around it, only with a single picture. I also share your thanks for Lost, which I need to catch up on. I'm not thankful that the acting has fallen off even more this season.

  4. John, I have to admit--I saw yours and I thought it looked very similar to mine. Nobody will know that because for some unknown reason mine won't post and will have to be separately graded by Erica.

    The NFL??? I didn't know you were a fan. What team do those Oregon people cheer for?

    I liked how you involved EVERYTHING (at least aspects of every part of your life) that you are grateful for. Too often we get all warm and mushy...when we can enjoy the little things (like The Beatles).
