Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Favorite Things


  1. I like the background for your slide. It's beautiful and goes perfectly with your content. It reminds me of a summer day, sitting on the lawn and feeling the sun shining down... very nice. I was grateful for the sunshine yesterday as well.
    I must say I admire your optimism and I hope to imitate it in my own life.

  2. I can't believe your bed frame broke!

    Oh my gosh the best birthday I ever had was my 18th birthday because I had decided to serve others the whole day. It was such a good feeling as I looked for those opportunities all day and found them.

  3. Ha ha! Speaking of your bed frame breaking, I had a similar funny experience the other day. The bi-polar Utah weather had changed from the beautiful sunny warm day it had been when I walked to campus to a freak blizzard when I came out of class. As I walked home in the freezing blowing snow, I was indeed grateful to be home again. Well, two days later, surprise surprise, it was nice and sunny again. Except on my walk home that day, I had made it directly beneath a pine tree by my apt complex when WHAM! A huge branch full of snow from the previous day fell directly on me covering me in snow. I felt like I was suddenly the star of the Truman show, and I laughed. I laughed for a good five minutes about it. Why not laugh at those misfortunes? I like your positive take on trials. It makes them seem much less significant in the grand scheme of things.
