Tuesday, March 9, 2010



  1. I'm glad you modeled your gratitude post after March Ensign's article on expressing gratitude. I wanted to cry after reading that touching story. Too bad I'm too manly to cry, ever.

    That article actually motivated me to call my stepmother (haven't in a long time) and express gratitude to her for the good memories we had in the past.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I liked this one. Those President Monson quotes are so good, he must be a prophet or something. I liked your thought at the end: Let us take time to write a letter of gratitude. Thats cool to take time out of our schedules to just thank someone.

  3. Ooh, I like the quote about thanks being the greatest of virtues. It's nice to think you can earn one of life's greatest virtues, by merely saying two words.

  4. Great quotes Liz. I agree that being grateful really is a commandment that we, as possessors of the full light of the gospel have the obligation to be joyful about. Gratitude really is so important.

  5. What you said made me think about it from the opposite perspective. I am, obviously, super focused on perspective this week.

    I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of those letters, notes, and words of gratitude and it really does make a difference.
    I like to think of those times when I have been thanked and remember that when I write a letter of gratitude to someone else, I'm giving them the same feeling that I had. A really good feeling.
