Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Court's Post


  1. I totally know what you're talking about. You think life is rough, and then you look at someone in a much worse situation who is just happy and bubbly and has made a CHOICE to be that way. I'm working on that choice, and I find life to be better when I'm doing well with that.

  2. Whenever I transplant any complaining thoughts from my head to words or paper, I realize how stupid I sound. In Washington D.C., my friends and I realized that we were so silly to be fretting about having to choose between a road trip to Amish country, a film festival in Alexandria, a free jazz concert at the Kennedy Center, or perusing a Smithsonian Art Museum. Life is so hard. Fortunately, we can take ourselves out of our small worlds and see how blessed we are.

  3. I think that President Hinckley has an interesting point when he talks about how gratitude is the absence of pride. I have never really considred that perspective before--
