Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Tender Mercies of the Lord


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog because I think that gratitude after the blessings come is hard for all of us. It is both a curse and a blessing that we forget the hardships of a trial after it is over. A blessing because the pain subsides; a curse because we often forget how we got through that trial. As we pray and remember those who support us, we must also always give thanks.

  2. Charla, well put! I too have a car without any AC...My mother has always been a strong advocate for thanking Heavenly Father after you have asked for something. I remember being only about 4-6 years old and losing my shoes and socks. After I prayed to know where they were, I found them in the closet. Then as I went to put them on, my mother told me that the first thing i should have done was to thank heavenly father for answering my prayers. =]

  3. I often ask myself this quesetion--how much do we really consider how much we have been spared from--? So often we just assume that things are the way they are because of ouyr own doing--without realizing that there are countless forces that contribute--both divine and earthly that have both aided us put us where we are today.

  4. It is SO TRUE. I notice this especially now that I'm back in school and my life is heading 500 different directions at once. When you're doing so many different things, it's so easy to forget all the ways that God has helped you out.

    Sometimes I hear people describing how everything, in retrospect, worked out the way they really needed. It makes me wonder about the good behind the temporary tragedies and the unuttered prayers of gratitude. Are everyone's lives being so directed? Would more of us believe in God if only we started looking?

    PS - I also totally dig the design for this. Where do you get your templates?

  5. Powerpoint. I choose a slide, then I play around with colors until I'm satisfied.
