Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wikipedia is wise


  1. I like your idea Sara. It is difficult to understand if we have failed when we don't have a good definition of failure. Is there a good definition? When do we consider our inability to meet our original objectives a failure? If I were to have got everything I wanted every time, I would not learn or grow. I'm going to have to think about this more. Good job. Very thought provoking

  2. Hmmm...How DO we define failure? Perhaps failure is more like an opportunity to grow and become more flexible. I agree with Ephraim that I've learned a great deal from my failures. So, I guess it all goes back to our perspective. If we always see "failure" as an opportunity to learn, suddenly it becomes a positive thing, and it no longer serves as a detrimental obstacle in our progress.

  3. I love viewing failures of the day, people who failed in the very thing that helped them succeed. As one of my favorite hymns goes, "Like the great and good in story, If we fail, we fail with glory." That is my approach to life--I am not afraid to share my dreams because I am not afraid to fail.
