Tuesday, March 2, 2010


  1. Kiersty, well put! These are my feelings exactly when i think of how my college experience has played out. I came to college with nothing but getting a doctorate in mind. As I did all i could to get involved and look good for graduate programs, i realized that my true calling was to prepare myself to be a good wife and someday a mother.

  2. A common thread I see in your post is our power to choose: we can choose whether experiences lead to breakdowns or breakthroughs; we can choose to see life as absent of miracles or full of them; we can choose to trust in God or to ignore the blessings we do receive.

  3. Thanks for both of your comments. Ben, thanks for pointing out that thread. I didn't intentionally put that in there, but during devotional today, when she talked about choices, I thought of this post. Also, I taught the lesson on agency in Relief Society last Sunday. It's one of my favorite topics.
