Tuesday, March 2, 2010

They Can't Take That Away From Me


  1. I'm reminded of the quote that says "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Sometimes, we don't recognize the opportunities that we're given when we don't get what we want. Thank you for sharing your story. Your persistence is admirable.

  2. I too love jazz singing, and I really admire your passion for it. You are a leader in that you never give up, you may not always get what you want, but you never settle for anything than your best. I think i need to be more like that. It is important to see how many times God blesses us with multiple opportunities, even if we aren't looking for them.

  3. I like the ambition you have. In our group you see everything as being possible. You don't let yourself get down because of the minor speed-bumps we all hit in life. I am way jealous that you can sing. I sing, but am frequently told not to...
    Good luck at Velour!

  4. This is such a cool example of perseverance!!! Look at how you've been pushed to develop your own style. I can't help but wonder if you would have been funneled into a certain direction or style if you had made one of those ensembles. That is so awesome. I'm really sad I can't make it to the Velour thing you've got going. Unless it's Wednesday night...

    On a design note, what a great font for this topic. I also liked the hint of blue at the bottom; how would it look if one of the subheadings was in a font color identical to that?
