Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Courtney's Entry


  1. This is good. Recognizing that failure is not the end of the road and that we can decide how to react to it is a powerful tool. It makes it easier to get up and keep going, knowing that the past does not have to define the future.

  2. This an interesting post. Sub-consciously, I always new the idea that God does not make mistakes and that ultimately, we choice the outcome, but I never heard it that way. Thanks, Courtney.

  3. Ha ha! I love your title! One day when I go skydiving...I hope I'm successful. lol!

    I agree that it's only a failure if we make it a failure. For example, today I was driving a friend home who yelled out to me that I had missed a stop sign. So, I skidded to a stop in the middle of a neighborhood 4 way stop. And, I waved to all the other drivers as I turned and sped off away from the embarrassing scene. It made my friend and me laugh pretty hard. Luckily, nothing bad came of it. And on top of that, I was able to embarrass myself 5 min after my friend had embarrassed himself in front of me...he had laughed earlier and a huge snot bubble came out of his nose. Poor guy. But, hey! You have to laugh these things off. And, you never know when your failures or mistakes will help someone else.

  4. Combining sports and failure strikes a chord within me. I used to beat myself up about every mistake I made, insisting that I couldn't have possibly done my best if I had done better before. I have learned that my best at that moment is usually the best that I put out, and although beating myself could have encouraged greater effort, it is fascinating how forgiving myself has allowed me to grow even more.
