Wednesday, February 17, 2010

leadership, time management, & service


  1. I think the mini-crossword puzzle does a good job of illustrating the connection between service, leadership, and time-management. The clues also help to strengthen these ties. That said, the clues probably wouldn't be enough for me to figure out the puzzle if it wasn't filled in for me! Haha! And I noticed this comic myself and thought it apt.

  2. It is interesting to note that leaders are not always the best time managers, but they know how to use it when they have to. I wonder what would stop leaders from using time management all of the time--wanting to take a break? It seems that time management allows for the fullest breaks. For instance, service fills a window of time with a new and different activity, which can actually invigorate further action. I especially loved the crossword title page--very creative, eye catching, and instructional.

  3. Did you draw that comic yourself? Good find. It is true that the three are all closely related. That cross-word really showed that principle.

  4. How!?! How did you create a crossword puzzle? Your design is amazing this week.
    Also, I agree that service should be one of the top priorities for filling up the time that we have. It reminds me of the BYU motto: Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve. At this time in our lives I think the greatest service we can give others is getting a great education so as to set ourselves up for a lifetime of meaningful service in the future.

  5. Agreed. Leadership, time and service are heavily interconnected with each other. When you are missing one component of the puzzle-- you are missing key elements from each. Making all of things integrate successfully with each other is a lifetime goal and process.
