Tuesday, February 16, 2010


  1. Just wanted to first say that this has gorgeous colors and design. Nicely done.

    Also, I think that learning how everything connects is a vital life lesson. I like to mull things over slowly for weeks, sort of let them ruminate, until I start to form connections between economics and literature and philosophy and whatever else is rolling around up there. It's a great exercise and helps to maintain perspective (pretend that perspective is highlighted like one of your words).

  2. Okay, so this is one of my favorite topics. My favorite thing about college is when you make those connections! It's like wow, something random I learned in this class- actually connects to another random fact that I learn in this class. Aaah, it's like a light bulb just turns on and all of a sudden your understanding is increased ten fold.

    On another note, cool design. I liked the colors. I would maybe suggest to have the two sides a little more centered. I felt like the left hand side kind of overwhelmed the right had side. Overall, great job!

  3. I also agree that this design was very easy on the eyes. Thank you!

    And I've also had my struggles with connecting linguistics with the gospel. I recently had to write a paper on language origin. Adam, Eve, and two evolutionary theories later, I had a pretty big headache. But *attitude*, definitely. Some things just need to be taken by faith, because the connection will only be apparent over time.
