Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Wisdom of Mr. T and President Bush


  1. Wow, interesting quotes! I don't know if I completely agree with George Bush, but I readily recognize the principle you highlighted. We truly must learn to take a step back and realize what is MOST important, or what will be the MOST effective use of our time, however I believe we should always be striving to increase our sphere of influence and learn how to reach those whom initially don't want to be served.

  2. I agree that one of the most important things we can do to properly manage our time is have a firm grasp of the scope of our influence. I am reminded of the prayer: "God grant me the strength to change what I can and the understanding to accept what I can't." I think this is the mark of a truly great manager of time. A quick understanding of the situation, and the ability to plan out feasible courses of action that will maximize benefits.

  3. Did you really have to quote George W.? (Sigh), You're right. Political affiliations aside, that was a good insight. We always need to be aware of our sphere of influence. It's not about fooling others either. It's about reaching out to them in service.

  4. Anything including MR. T and Mr. W is success in my book. You also brought up some good points when explicating the quotes. It's important to recognize how much influence we really have so we can help others out.

  5. Mostly I just want to comment on the graphic on your first page. I like it. It is interesting, and it was what caught my attention. The title was good too, but usually I just right off anything associated with Bush or Mr. T as not worth my attention anymore...

  6. I think that this was an excellent usage of Mr. And Bush as well. We need to not only concentrate on the right things but we also need to concentrate on those things for the right amount of time. We should not waste our energies on tasks that provide no net benefit in the end. Deciding which things to dump and which to keep is a decision between you and the Lord-- sometimes your guidance counselor as well.

  7. I really liked this post! I think you have really interesting insights and used great quotes. It is also very visually appealing.
