Wednesday, March 17, 2010

hoop kibo von - however you say it, we all mean the same thing.


  1. In a way, your post reminded me of Obama's '08 campaign. I'm not going to get all political...just sayin'.

    I must say that you do find hope in the little things! Posts like this help me step back and see the world how I SHOULD see the world. Sometimes, I will admit, that I am envious of stuff like the things you have posted (for example, I can't relate to the yellow balloons against a blue sky thing.....but that's cool).

  2. Christa, I just love your optimism. You are such a positive and hopeful person. I agree with Kiel... this post is something that makes me realize how I should look at the world, though I can't say that I often do look at it that way. But I'm hopeful to improve :).

  3. Hahaha . . . I was wondering when Kiel would mention Obama and hope. Remembering the molehills that were once mountains is huge for me. I tend to look back at classes or experiences and say to myself, "Why was it so hard? Now, those experiences or classes seem easy or not as difficult as before." The word perspective comes to mind. When we are going through a mountain-like experience, we become narrow-minded. We do look at other issues or situations with the right perspective. As the the Lord said to Joseph Smith, "it is but a small moment."
