Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The picture above is a different angle of a childhood staple for me: the lighthouse and harbor in Santa Cruz. I remember thinking that the concrete 'jacks' that were all stacked on top of each other seemed so random and strange. I thought that they were just scattered there arbitrarily, only to realize as I grew older that they were placed with great purpose and care to ensure the best support structure to absorb the shock of the waves that could sometimes pound towards the shore. All of the boats within the harbor would have been damaged or destroyed by some of the storm waves that could come in. The lighthouse was there to guide them in.

It's the same with the way the Lord protects us. Sometimes the events He places in our lives to help protect us seem random and scattered, and we don't realize until we're a bit older and wiser just what He's been doing to help shelter us. We may still take a bit of a beating, but those things inside us, our virtue and hope and spirit, remain intact and buffered. He stands always as a lighthouse to guide us in to that safe harbor, whereas we might not want the random, clumsy looking events he offers us, instead opting for rougher waters that initially appear a better choice.

Also, I always liked digging for crabs and starfish that were randomly found on those things. Random thought.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, I think it is interesting that you compare protection from the Lord to the supports of the lighthouse. I have never thought of it like that. I always thought that it was up to us to protect ourselves by coming to the Lord. I think you are right, though. The Lord does protect us. He is very concerned for our well being. Thanks for helping me see that
