Monday, March 15, 2010

Don't worry!

One evidence for God's love is the way He cares about the details of our lives. At least, He wants to hear about the details. He wants us to pray to Him, to ask for help when we need it, to say thank you when He blesses us, to show our love to Him. We love Him because He first loved us, and sent His Son to give us a way back to Him. I am so grateful for His loving care. I know that He will be there to bless our lives. Always. We don't have to worry.

And now.... for a complete switch in topic of conversation AND the game you've all been waiting for! (drumroll here, please) NAME THE MOVIE QUOTE! Here you go. You have three guesses. The first one to guess correctly wins..... the satisfaction of having good taste in movies. "True love is the greatest thing in the world. Besides an MLT... Mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is perky... I love that." (No fair looking this up on IMDB. That's cheating.)


  1. my husband was the first one to quote it: miracle max from the princess bride. =] But back on topic, i really appreciate what you said about God caring about our lives. To think about how many billion people there are on this planet, but yet knowing that you are a child of God is a very powerful thing. I know that I am loved no matter what I do, for I am a daughter of God.

  2. Can I just say that I DID know where that quote came from! Even before I saw what Ms. Elizabeth posted. I was in the play in 6th grade. Classic.

    Anyway! Your post was exactly what I needed this week. Hope of survival. I definitely feel like I have power on my side and I know where it comes from. I love that we are able to know (maybe not completely understand..but we know) that we are important and that God loves us. Hopefully that knowledge will motivate us (mostly me) to pull ourselves together enough to get through anything.
