Monday, February 8, 2010

Get Involved and Get Out There. WAC Feb. 10, 2010


  1. Nathan,

    Great post. It's always fun to hear that people--although fairly new to the council--are enjoying what they are doing. If you get a chance to read my post, you'll understand what I mean. Sometimes, actually feeling like we are doing something good is somewhat difficult...especially if your project gets shut down!

    Anyway, can I add a tad bit of criticism? Your text is REALLY hard to read. Even the red at the bottom made my eyes water.

  2. This post is very blue. And a little hard to read, as Kiel said. BUT despite those things I really appreciate your spirit and enthusiasm for getting all that you can out of this council. I think that the man with the megaphone was a nice touch. We have a voice and we deserve to be heard. Some of my favorite moments in life is to hear, a ways down the road, that something I was passionate about and excited for DID make a difference. It often is invisible at first and perhaps feels nisignificant, but no effort is wasted.

  3. Getting noticed is key to getting things done. One can help the community in obscurity, but letting others know about different events that are going on is key to really accomplishing something.

    Through advertisement we can be more successful in getting things done and being better members of the community.
