Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charla's take on Time Management

Managing time well allows you to lead better.
It frees-up time to serve others.


  1. Charla, I'm always super impressed by your design. It's always elegant but simple and something that augments your message. Yes, the time wasters. I remember hearing so many people on my mission (including myself) swear not to get lost in Facebook again when they came home, only to totally get lost in it again. But prioritizing and list making is what saves me.

  2. Dang. I feel enlightened just reading that, and it barely took any time at all! Talk about effective! Really, those are great things for us to apply every single day. I find that when my life is organized (I recently organized my emails--hurray!) I feel much more able to think and to process the things I need to do. You have solved my time crisis today by giving me these suggestions.
