Sunday, March 21, 2010

Look before, or you'll find yourself behind


  1. It's definitely important to not get caught up in the now. That's something I've struggled with this semester. Always having so much to do, it's easy to just focus on a paper that's due tomorrow or a meeting to be organized for next week and neglect more important, long term academic and career plans. It's definitely important to keep things in perspective.

  2. Wow! A new baby!? That's crazy. How is it going? I always admire people who can somehow make it through school while having a family.

    And you're looking for a house? Wow, with a family and a house you're like a "real person." I can't imagine being that for like 10 more years.

    Congrats on everything!

  3. Craig,
    Reading your list of current family endeavors definitely rang home for me. Caring for a small infant...adjusting...excited for a new beginning...studying long hours...we seem to have a lot in common! I appreciate your insight into the fact that all that we are currently doing can seem to have little meaning until we "put it in persepective of that longer view that connects present and future." Similar to my post, I agree that it is important to see the bigger picture and recognize how what we are doing now plays into the grander scheme of things. Thanks so much for your post!
