Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where am I?


  1. Ahh Liz! Your posts are always a breath of fresh air! You have this perspective about the way you write!
    I think what you said at the end of your post is one of the keys to happiness: find happiness in where you are at, as opposed to where you want to be.
    My wife and I prefer to watch House...and Bones...but I can only recommend the first show.

  2. I totally agree with you, Liz. Everytime I start wishing and wanting to be done with school, I realize how much I actually LOVE being in college and learning and growing and being busy. It is very gratifying and I think I would be a student for life if I could afford it. As for me and my husband's TV show of choice: Dexter. Gotta love serial killers... but I also can't recommend it... Heroes is good

  3. I have realized that the work will never be done. I think that I have reached points in the past where I literally had everything on my to-do checked off, but I am discovering as life goes on that I may never be there again. That should not stop me from having good times. I am glad to see that you could take a break and enjoy where you are at.

  4. Your last line says so much about who you are, Liz. Always looking for the positive in life, in others and in your surroundings is so important and I believe a gospel principle. I have enjoyed being your friend, Liz. And even though you are stressed, I never see it.
