Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Orlando, Florida

This is not a picture of me, but it is where I've been for the last two days. That's where I'm at right now.

I've also been on couches reading books, and apparently online doing this post. I have not been in a place where I've been thinking a lot about school...or work...or anything but relaxing. See you next week!


  1. I would have to say that your post made me pretty jealous when I think of what i could be doing if i didn't have homework to think about. But at the same time, it's never good to always be longing for the grass that is greener on the other hill, i have to find some way to be content and happy with who and where I am right now.

  2. Ouch. Reading this hurts. I feel like I am looking at the Heaven that would have awaited me had I chosen a different path in life.
    The only thing our positions seem to have in common is the presence of books...but something tells me that you get to choose what ones you read, whereas I am being force fed the literature of sentimentality! May you bring some sunshine back with you to warm us all up!

  3. Jealous.
    I need to get outta Provo.
    Moab anyone? I just got a new jeep...

  4. You may have been at universal studios, but I have been in the studio of my universe. Traveling is a great way to gain perspective and escape from the stress of life. It is a good thing that the world is our campus, and I hope that it always will be.

  5. Was your studio in Florida? I think not =P.

  6. Glad you had a good time. I've come to realize that working hard and pushing one's self to new levels needs to be tempered with breaks to allow one to recoup.

    After all, all work and no play makes Kendon a dull boy. And have I ever been dull lately...
