Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Present


  1. I find your excerpt from Horace's Odes to be unusually inspiring. I think it's because I've been pondering lately on the idea of "today." I don't think there is anything as empowering as kneeling down for a nightly prayer and feeling like you gave your all for that day.

    In fact, for some reason, your entire post about "The Present" is really striking a chord with me right now. Thanks for posting this. I'll have to ponder more on it.

  2. Right now I wish i could take horace's ode to heart and use that as my daily motto, but alas it's a hard thing to master. I do really find myself caught up in the stresses of life instead of dwelling on the blessings of here and now. Great quotes by the way!

  3. Another AMEN. My friend and I were talking about last night how the present is like a ticking time bomb. It is so stressful realizing that everything is riding on the present--but if you step back for a sec you realize thats not exactly the case...
