Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where's Courtney?

Where am I? What a great question. I was discussing this with a roommate the other night. Lately, I feel like I am in the middle of a labrynth of critical decisions... and one wrong turn will lead right into a deadly trap or fog of forsakenness... or something else equally dreadful. It's easy, when the future is unclear but decsions need making, to become discouraged and lose hope. It's also easy to let yourself become distracted, to try to put off the things you should be thinking of and doing and waste time on trivial matters.

It is moments like this that make me so grateful for the gospel, and specifically prayer. I remember, when I was little, opening up my "Where's Waldo" book and scanning the pages to find him. Sometimes I found him right away, there are some pages where I still swear he isn't in there. One evening, I asked my dad "If Heavenly Father read this book, how fast could he find Waldo?" (I was a pretty wise kid). My dad's answer was immediately. "He wouldn't even need to open the page, he'd already know." In this massive, celtic knot cross-road I've found myself in, I'm grateful to know that someone knows where I am. Even when I don't.


  1. I think that was a great insight on how important prayer and the lord is in our lives. It's so true that we don't always know what is best for us, or we become lost and distracted. But of course the Lord always provides a way for us to get back on track. I too am grateful that there is someone looking out for me.

  2. I completely relate to the getting distracted part of your post. I heard once that distracting ourselves is one of the ways we cope with stress subconsciously. And I have mastered the technique!
    I hate the feeling of being afraid to start something. The fear of focusing is always worse than the actual task at hand, but it is so stinking hard to push through the fear and distractions to where we actually get working!

  3. Thank you thank you thank you for that reminder. He always does know where we are... especially when we don't. Sometimes it seems laughable that there's a bigger plan - yet when I look back, it makes so much sense. I'm reminded of Elder Scott's conference talk on prayer from April 2007 - sometimes when we get no clear answers, it's how God gives us his vote of confidence. Whatever you do, you'll succeed in, Courtney. That's just the kind of person you are.
