Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reflection on Reflecting

Elizabeth Elzinga Bean

Reflection on Reflecting

After reading the article given to us by Maridee, I would have to admit that the first few pages made me laugh. I laughed because I thought that everyone thought about the experiences they had, and already reflected on how important and meaningful those activities were for them. After all thinking is a natural process, and to write a paper about it, seemed quite absurd. Although, I suppose that for me being a girl, and a worry wart, I find myself searching out meaning in the smallest and insignificant things every day.
Eventually though, as I read more of the article, I started to realize that maybe the way I specifically go about my thinking, is not actually all that good for me. I probably criticize things more than appreciate them; which is why I appreciate what Ephraim said about writing your thoughts down. I think that journal writing and carrying a little book around to write things in, is something that can not only help you in the short term spiritually and with school, but in the long run as your children read through it. I think that writing down these community experiences can help us realize why we enjoy doing the things that we do, and can also help spark interest in our future generations.
I know that for me personally, there is a lot of work that needs to be done in this area. Sure I think about many different things in my life, but if I can really try to put down the most important thoughts on paper, than I can look past the unimportant parts that I normally worry about, and focus on the meaning behind my actions.
I can say that as for our new WAKs, I will enjoy being able to put my ideas from a literary source onto paper.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I agree with the need to write things down! Recently I made a goal that I would write things down before having a conversation with my wife about things that are difficult. I found that it helps me stay focused on the issue at hand. I am able to know exactly what I am hoping to get out of the conversation, or our time together, by clearing my mind on paper first.
    Also, not 100% on this, but I think they are WACs with a 'C'...
