Monday, March 29, 2010

Faith to Fly


  1. I saw that second quote in the Brimhall building the other day, and I like it too. Our efforts will be worth something, even if it is just to help us grow as individuals. If we keep trying and working as hard as we can, we will eventually be able to fly... just like the caterpillar. (Yay for cool analogies!)

  2. Wow. I have never seen that quote by George Brimhall and it really gives it to ya straight, doesn't it? I have done a few things in my life that were huge for me, and they made me really nervous because I had never done anything like them before. But it's true--when we do nothing, nothing happens. And I am not satisfied with that. One experience leads us to another one, and one day we are magically successful. Only, I'm pretty dang sure it's not magic. We just have to put ourselves out there and be willing to do hard things.

  3. I'm really glad to see this WAC in tribute of Charla. She has contributed to many people's lives in many ways.

    And I would also like to add that this WAC oozes of MaryDawn-- meaning it's got design & style, anecdote & analogy, and several *lumps* of truth to glean from it.

    My biggest challenge is being motivated to struggle for great things. On one hand, I'm a peacemaker, but on the other hand I avoid the risky situations that precede success. Thanks for the post, MaryDawn, I'll definitely be working to improve on this.
