Friday, January 22, 2010


  1. "Out of the Park!" Well done. Maridee

  2. I agree. I realize why I love Sundays so much as a college student, and it's because I finally slow down long enough to think about my life, my goals, and my testimony. It's been an ongoing challenge for me to find time every day to sit and empty my mind enough to effectively ponder the scriptures. It's tough! I have so much going on up there. But, I've learned that something that really helps is saying a prayer to start out my scripture study; I know seems pretty elementary, but it works. Also I've tried to automatically write down in my planner the different impressions and "need-to-dos" that pop into my thoughts during the day so that when scripture study/reflection time comes, I'm less distracted, because I'm not preoccupied wondering what that idea was I has earlier.

  3. I definitely like the idea of constantly having a notebook or something to write down ideas. Like that article talks about, so much of learning happens not just from hearing exactly what is said or experienced, but from recognizing your own reactions to those things: the connections you make to prior knowledge, applications to your own situation, etc. Having a notebook handy is the perfect way to capture these ideas.

  4. Wow. Really great design. The Thinker is one of my fav sculptors. I also really thought that your comments were insightful. I also really like the qoutes at the bottom-- I agree with Socrates.

  5. Emily, first I am impressed by your punctuality on this assignment. Thank you for being an example to all of us! Your design is also lovely. I love the statue "Le Penseur" and its iconicity. I like your idea and your motivation to keep a journal to help you to be more introspective. I think that for me, even our WACs are good opportunities for reflection.
